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Install Windows software

Software we will install on Windows virtual machine will show up on all Client PCs of the laboratory and can be used by all users. So we maintain one Windows installation for many workstations.

With installation file

We should not execute setup files from our personal network folder X:\ (My Documents) or directly from a usb stick, installation may fail this way. Instead we create a temp folder on C:\, copy setup there and execute from C:\temp. After installation we delete setup file. Keep in mind also, that we have a storage limit on our personal folder X:\ (My Documents) so downloading a big file should be saved directly on C:\temp.

Installing specific applications like MSOffice while connected with our network personal user with administrator rights may fail. To solve this we connect as a local administrator .\Administrator or .\root and retry installation

Without installation file

In case there is no installation file and we only need to do a simple copy to install and we need also to create a link in the desktop of all users, we do the following :

  • We copy the program folder e.g. newprogram inside the folder C:\opt (we create if it doesn't exist)

Create a desktop shortcut for all users

If we have installed without an installation file or from an installation file but no shortcuts to the desktop were created we do the following:

  • We login as local administrator .\Administrator or .\root
  • We enter the folder where the program was installed and drag the executable to our desktop to create a shortcut.
  • From My Computer we enter C: folder.
  • We click on addrees and type manually C:\Users\Public\Desktop and press ENTER to see folder contents
  • We copy the shortcutwe have created previously from our Desktop to folder C:\Users\Public\Desktop.

Getting the application

Download from Internet

This installation is applicable while

  • remotely connected through VNC console from internet
  • connected from a client PC on local network
  • connected through VNC console from server PC.

This is the easiest way to install. We do the following. We download the installation file from the Internet and save to folder C:\\temp. Then proceed with the installation.

with a usb stick

This installation is applicable while

  • connected from a client PC on local network

We do the following

  • We insert a usb stick on a client PC on local network
  • We connect to this PC with our network personal user with administrator rights.
  • On Windows file manager it will show up as a device folder usb_disk στον ltsp
On this Client PC that booted from network, we should not be simultaneously connected to Linux OS as well, because it will lock the usb drive and we will not be able to see it on Windows. We disconnect from Linux OS to be able to use the usb stick on Windows.

with a cdrom/dvd

For simplicity reasons we can copy installation files to a usb stick and follow usb installation instructions, avoiding installation from cd/dvd medium

This installation is applicable while

  • connected from a client PC on local network
  • connected through VNC console from server PC.

Installation from cdrom/dvd can be done with 2 ways

  1. From a Client PC the same way as if we installed from a usb stick.
  2. Through VNC console from server PC.
    1. We insert the cdrom/dvd on Server PC
    2. On the left pane we select Datacenter and double click on hosta.
    3. We select Windows virtual machine and click on Hardware tab.
    4. We select CD/DVD drive and press Edit
    5. We select Use physical CD/DVD Drive
    6. We connect to Windows with our personal account with administration rights from any Client PC that has booted from network or from firefox through VNC Console
    7. We can now access cdrom from file manager and install.
    8. After we finish installation, we restore the CD/DVD drive from the virtual machine settings to option Do not use any media like it was before.

Send from ftp/sftp

This installation is applicable while we are remotely connected from then internet

  1. If the installation file is for example on our personal home PC, or even our cellphone, we can send it through FTP or SFTP, with an FTP client software like filezilla or even from our cellphone with a mobile application like Cx File Explorer on android.
  2. Then we connect to Windows VM as an administratir with our account.
  3. We copy setup files on C:/temp and proceed with installation.
en/quickstart/installapptowinvm.txt · Last modified: Y/m/d H:i by vagk