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Italc - PC Groups and Teachers

Italc has a configuration with the client PCs on the network and the groups they belong. Without LServerAdmin application this configuration has to be done manually from the teacher that uses Italc. Configuration consists of pc name, ip, mac address and also port (for PCs that boot from network). This kind of information is mostly available to the network administrator and not to a teacher. After adding or removing client PCs or terminal Server virtual machines, updating these configuration files becomes a time consuming procedure.

LServerAdmin has the ability to update all italc configuration files for Linux and Windows, for every user each time client PCs are added, removed or moved to a group, a group gets renamed, a new terminal server virtual machine is added etc.

We have the ability to add many different teacher users as Italc PC group administrators and have each one manage one or more pc groups. We could add all teacher users that use Italc as Italc PC group administrators, but it is recommended not to add more than 5 for performance reasons. If we have many labs, we can create specific users for each Lab, e.g. teacher1 for Lab 1, teacher 2 for Lab 2 etc

LServerAdmin - Italc Configuration

To add or remove Italc PC group administrators, we start LServerAdmin application and go to Italc configuration.

  1. We go to menu Services /Other Services - Applications / Italc Remote Control Student PCs / Configure / Italc PC Groups Administrators

Add Administrator

To add Italc PC group administrator:

  1. We select Add Administrator and select the teacher user we will add
  2. We select the PC Group the user will manage from italc e.g. Lab 1

Remove Administrator

To remove an administrator from an Italc PC group :

  1. We select Remove Administrator and select the teacher user we will remove.
  2. We select the Επιλέγουμε την ομάδα ΗΥ από την οποία θα τον αφαιρέσουμε.

Administrator List

To see the list of Italc PC group administrators:

  • We select Administrators List
en/italc/teacheruseradmin.txt · Last modified: Y/m/d H:i (external edit)