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VPN from Windows

We have the ability to securely connect remotely through VPN to the Lab's Local Network and login to our account on Windows or Linux as if we were there.

The procedure has 2 steps. Initially we make the VPN connection and then we login to the Windows or Linux OS of the lab.

Installation of remote connection tools for Windows

  • On Windows 7 OS we need the following prerequisites before the installation.
  • Windows 32bit : .NET Framework 4.6
  • On Windows 10 OS we don't need any prerequisites, we proceed to the following step.
  • The remote software installation file lsaremote-amd64.exe (for 64bit) or lsaremote-x86.exe (for 32bit) has already been given to us. We execute it on our PC. This installs OpenVPN and creates folder C:\lsa with preconfigured tools mremoteng, tigervnc client and filezilla

Connect through VPN

  • We right click on openvpn icon and select Connect
  • We enter the username and password we already have for VPN or our own if we are enabled as a VPN user. We can save the password so as not to enter it again. The icon should turn to green indicating we have successfully connected to the private network of our lab.

Login to Windows

  • We run mRemoteNG
  • We single click (not double) on the Windows connection to select it.
  • On the left pane at mRemoteNG connection configuration, we enter our username and password, the one we use on our school lab.
  • We double click on the Windows connection.

Login to Linux

  • We double click on the Linux connection.
  • Linux login screen is presented to us, and we login with our username και το password.
To view options and toggle full screen press F8 key. Changing keyboard language e.g. with alt-shift must be done while the vnc session is windowed, in order to be handled by local machine. To pass function keys e.g. alt-f2 to the remote vnc session, session must be run full screen.

FTP connection

  • We single click (not double) on the FTP connection to select it.
  • On the left pane at mRemoteNG connection configuration, we enter our username and password, the one we use on our school lab.
  • We double click on the FTP connection.
en/connection/vpn/windows.txt · Last modified: Y/m/d H:i by vagk