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Connect to Linux Virtual Machine

From any client PC booting from network

  • After booting the client PC from network, linux login screen is shown by default. If not we press ALT-CTRL-F7. From Options on bottom left we can select Session (graphical environment), e.g. Lubuntu or LXDE.
  • We connect with our personal network acoount.

Via proxmox gui

Suppose we want to connect to virtual machine running Linux and install software.

  1. First we connect to Server PC to Proxmox by using a browser (firefox recommended) as user root or teacher. We connect either locally, or from another PC on local network or from internet.
  2. On the left pane we select Datacenter and double click on hosta.
  3. To open a VNC console, (that is a remote connection to graphical environment through vnc) we have 2 ways
    1. For unscaled clean view we select the Linux virtual machine (ltsp) and press Console button at the top right or we right click on the virtual machine and select Console.
    2. For scaled zoomed full screen we click on Console tab (next to Snapshot tab).
  4. On the local machine, we change language to english.
We first change the language on the local machine and then press alt-shift if needed to change it on VNC console too
  • We login using our personal network account.
After we finish working, we don't forget to logout from Linux virtual machine
en/connection/connect2linuxvm.txt · Last modified: Y/m/d H:i by vagk