Table of Contents

Italc - Remote control student PCs

Italc is a tool for remote control student PCs. It has features such as

Italc supports both Linux and Windows Operating Systems. LServerAdmin application installs and configures italc on Client PCs on the following situations.

We will see how to use the already configured Italc application for the client PCs booting from network and connecting to the Windows and Linux (ltsp) virtual machines running on server.


  1. We create a new PC group e.g. Lab 1 - PC Groups
  2. We add all lab PCs that boot from network to the above group - Add LTSP Client
  3. We add a user from teachers groups as a Italc PC group Administrator - Manage Italc PC Groups

Start Italc

We will work on a teacher's PC with local OS installation Linux or Windows (not booting from network). It is recommended, although not needed for Italc, that this PC is already been added to LServerAdmin management, (see Local Network).
  1. We connect to a teacher's PC.
  2. In a browser (firefox recommended), on the address we type https://hosta:8006 and connect as user teacher.
  3. We select the virtual machine with the OS we want to use for our lesson, e.g. Windows or Linux (ltsp) and click on Console
    1. Demostration on Windows OS
      1. We connect with a teacher account that has already been added as an administrator of Italc PC groups (see connect to Windows virtual machine from proxmox).
      2. We can change resolution from within Windows the way we know. A resolution of 1024×768 and not greater is recommended for compatibility reasons with the client PC screen resolutions and for better performance.
      3. We start Italc from menu All Programs / Italc
    2. Demostration on Linux OS
      1. We connect with a teacher account that has already been added as an administrator of Italc PC groups, to the virtual machine running Linux (ltsp).
      2. We can change resolution from with Linux (from menu we click on Run and type lxrandr). A resolution of 1024×768 and not greater is recommended for compatibility reasons with the client PC screen resolutions and for better performance.
      3. We start Italc from menu System Tools / Italc

Italc basic usage

  1. We click on the 2nd icon in the left vertical bar to open the Class Administration pane.
  2. We select the PC group and click on the left + to open. There are 3 cases.
    1. If client PCs are inside a group e.g. Lab 1, have booted from network and connected to Linux (ltsp virtual machine) we select Lab 1-ltsp.
    2. If client PCs that boot from network connect to Windows we select Lab 1-windows
    3. If client PCs have local installations and have already been added to LServerAdmin administration we select Lab 1
  3. We double click on Client PCs we want to control or right click on the group and select Show all computer in classroom to show them all.
  4. On the top bar on the right we click on the button Auto View (if it is hidden we click on the arrow to show it).
  5. On the top bar we click on Full screen demo to show our desktop to the client PCs. We can also lock their screen with the button Lock All
  6. To unlock their screen we click on button Overview
  7. If we want to control a client PC remotely we right click on the client PC and select Remote Control