Users and Groups

LServerAdmin software configures a server to support a mixed environment with client PCs either having local installations with Linux or Windows 7/8/10, or client PCs booting from network and connecting remotely to Linux or Windows.

All users are common on all above Operating Systems.

There are 2 major user groups.

  1. Teachers 1) or Administrators 2)
    • They have more user rights like administrative permissions on Linux and Windows installations, permissions to create public access files, permission to run LServerAdmin application etc
  2. Students 3) or Workers 4).
    • They have basic user rights.

Students are further grouped on Classes and Class sections. There are 3 classes already created, A, B and C. More classes can be created along with class sections like A1, A2 inside classes.

Classes and class sections are logically connected with next year class and class sections accordingly. E.g. A class has B class as next, A1 class section has B1 as next. At the end of each school year, students can be mass transfered on next year classes and class sections.

1) , 3)
School Edition
2) , 4)
Business Edition