====== Create user - administrator ====== We will create a network user for ourselves with administrator rights for all OSs (Linux, Windows) in order to be able to install software, printers etc =====Execution of LServerAdmin application===== * **From within our lab** if we sit on server (to create our first account) - We connect with username **user** on LXDE graphical environment. - We click on **LServerAdmin icon** on desktop. * **From a browser, remotely from the Internet or from any pc in our lab** (we should already have a personal account with full rights) - From our home we connect to the **LServerAdmin Internet** already given to us along with the passwords - or from within the lab from any pc we open **http://loginserver** from a browser - As username we enter our own and press ENTER - We type our password (password is not shown not even as stars for security reasons in Linux) and press ENTER - We type **lserver-admin** and press ENTER - We type again our password, press ENTER and LServerAdmin application will start. =====Creation of our personal user-administrator===== - From LServerAdmin main menu we select **Users** and then the group we want. If we are a school we select **Teachers**, else **Company Users**. - We select **Add User**. (Note: We navigate between fields with up and down arrows and **not with TAB**) - For **User Name** we use **lower case latin characters** without spaces or symbols. - For security reasons **Password** must be **at least 6 characters** including **latin characters and numbers**. - **We press OK** to create the user. - Οn the next dialog **Windows System Groups** we check **with SPACE** both //Administrators and Domain Admins// groups and press OK. We just gave **administrator permissions** on virtual machine running Windows OS. - Οn the next dialog **Linux Special System Groups** we check **with SPACE** group //linux-client-admins-full// and press OK. We just gave **administrator permissions** on virtual machine running Linux OS. - Οn the next dialog **LServerAdmin execution permissions** we check **with SPACE** group //lserver-admin-full// and press OK. We gave **full execution permissions on LServerAdmin application** to our personal user. =====Set unlimited quota===== We can set unlimited quota on the user we just created with the following procedure {{section>en:files:quota#set_unlimited_quota&noheader&nodate&nouser}} We select **Back** successively until we exit **LServerAdmin** application.