====== Quick Start Guide ====== //Manual version (v1.0.14). Latest version is always on http://manual.lserveradmin.gr // ===== Introduction ===== Until now our lab was operating with local OS installations and local users without essential services. There are now over **10 services** and our lab can use **network users** on **Linux/Windows**, with ability to **boot from network**, use **site filters**, **control student PCs remotely** via **italc** and many more. This is a new situation with a lot more possibilities. The transition is smooth as the existing situation is not removed, and can be used temporarily if needed. To achieve all of the above a new **server PC** was added and is hosting **at least 3 virtual machines**. **Server PC** is running **Proxmox** __Datacenter__ administration software based on Debian Linux. Virtual machines are running on **KVM** virtualization technology. The 3 virtual machines are the following: * **lserver** : Server vm with all **services**, **users**, **files** and **LServerAdmin** administration software. It is running on Ubuntu LTS or Debian stable. * **ltsp** : Ltsp server vm providing **network boot** to old machines and **remote connection to Linux OS**. It is running on Ubuntu LTS or Debian stable. * **win2016ts/win2019ts** : Windows vm with remote access enabled so that we can **connect remotely to Windows** from old machines booted from network. **Ltsp** and **wints** virtual machines are clients to **lserver** vm, where all users, files and services are located. - Our lab is almost ready and functional. Client PCs will need a simple [[en:quickstart:pxebootsetupclient]]. After that we can //connect to a client PC//. * **[[en:quickstart:connect2client]]** {{:el:login_connect-48.png?nolink&16|}} {{:el:terminal-48.png?nolink|}} - We will //connect to Server PC// where the virtual machines are running and providing all the functionality. * **[[en:quickstart:connect2server]]** {{:el:login_connect-48.png?nolink&16|}} {{:el:server-48.png?nolink|}} - We will //create a personal user account for administration// for Linux and Windows OS * **[[en:quickstart:createuser]]** - We will //start LServerAdmin application// to add or remove users and configure services * **[[en:quickstart:startlserveradmin]]** {{:el:lsa_logo.png?nolink&100|}} - We will //connect to Windows//, to their virtual machine, in graphical environment * **[[en:connection:connect2windowsvm]]** {{:el:iconwin-48.png?nolink|}} - we will //install software on Windows//. This software will be available on all client PCs and all users. * **[[en:quickstart:installapptowinvm]]** {{:el:software-48.png?nolink|}}{{:el:iconwin-48.png?nolink&24|}} - we will //connect to Linux//, to their virtual machine, in graphical environment * **[[en:connection:connect2linuxvm]]** {{:el:linux-48.png?nolink|}} - we will //install software on Linux//. This software will be available on all client PCs and all users. * **[[en:quickstart:installapptolinuxvm]]** {{:el:software-48.png?nolink|}}{{:el:linux-48.png?nolink&16|}} - We will see ways to //access our files//, distribute files to users and send files even from our home * **[[en:files:shared]]** {{:el:files-48.png?nolink|}} - we will //install a printer// to be able to print from every client PC * **[[en:devices:printers]]** {{:el:laser-printer-48.png?nolink|}} - Finally we will see how to //start and stop// the virtual machines and also the server PC * **[[en:connection:startstop]]** {{:el:shutdown.png?nolink&24|}} {{:el:start.png?nolink&24|}} {{:el:server-48.png?nolink|}}