====== Local Network Information ====== Our Local Network consists of a **Linux Server** (**lserver** virtual machine) and many **Client PCs**. There are already 2 special Client PCs which are virtual machines on proxmox server PC, **ltsp** and **windows**. They provide boot and login services to Client PCs booting from network. Ltsp vm provides network boot and remote Linux login, while Windows vm provides remote Windows login. If we don't have client PCs with enough power, we can boot them all from network. If our Client PCs are powerfull enough we can have **local OS installations** as well. It is recommended to have **at least one PC with local OS installation** for ease on the following operations. * Use as **teachers PC for italc** * connect to a **projector** * Watch **high resolution/quality video** If we have enough powerfull client PCs on our network e.g. with cpu (**4core+**), memory (**4GB+**), **ssd disk** and we want to make the most out of their hardware we can have local OS installations to execute * **specilized applications** like VirtualBox or other that need **excessive cpu power** * image/video editing applications or other that need **use of a local high end graphic card** Some Client PCs may have only **one local OS**, either Windows or Linux, or may have both installed. All cases are managed by LServerAdmin with ease. From LServerAdmin application we can execute various maintenance works, remotely from the server to the Client PCs. A list with some common actions: * **Shutdown, restart or boot** [c6] Client PCs * Install network client services, like **nis and nfs**, to Client PCs. * Install **italc** client software to allow Client PCs to be managed from italc [SE] [c15] * Join Client PCs to **Windows Domain** * Execute remotely **commands on client PCs** on windows or Linux (e.g. distribution upgrade on Linux, application installations on Windows) * **Cleanup temorary user profiles** on client PCs with local Windows installations to save space on disk. * **Setup grub** for dual boot OS or network boot. We can also **group PCs** (e.g. Lab 1, Lab 2 or Office 1, Office 2 etc). Before start using all these powerfull features of LServerAdmin application, we have to configure an **ssh server on each Client PC** (on Windows or Linux). Next just **add Client PC on LServerAdmin management** and we are ready to execute actions remotely. We can add the following PC Client Operating Systems to LServerAdmin management. * [[http://www.lserveradmin.gr/help/html_en/manual/lan/lanaddpc/lanaddlinux.html|Add Linux Client]] * [[http://www.lserveradmin.gr/help/html_en/manual/lan/lanaddpc/lanaddwin7.html|Add Windows 7 Client]] We can also add PCs that **boot from network** * [[en:lan:lanaddpc:lanaddltspclient]]