====== Access to files ====== =====Personal files===== * **''X:\''**. Our personal files. * **From Windows** : We login with our account and on letter **X:\** we find our personal files. * **From Linux** : We login with our account and see the same files on our personal folder (**/home/username**) * **From local Windows installation (not network boot)**, we type on the windows file manager the network address **\\lserver\username** where username is our account name on the server. =====usb disk===== {{section>en:devices:usb_disk&noheader&nodate&nouser}} =====Sharing files with students (Public, Users)===== - **''P:\'' **(public)** : Public folder** for all users. Users belonging on **Teachers** group have **read-write** permissions. All the rest users have only **read** permissions. On this network folder a Teacher can put files that students can view and retrieve. * **From Windows** : We login with our teachers account go to My Computer and click on the letter **P:\** in the file manager. Alternatively we type the network address **\\lserver\public** in the file manager. * **From Linux** : We login with our teachers account and we will see the network folder either inside the file manager or as a shortcut in the desktop. - **''U:\''** **Send files directly to users folder mathimata**. * **From Windows** : We login with our teachers account and access is provided either from the letter **U:\** in the file manager or by typing network address **\\lserver\users** in the file manager. * **From Linux** : We login with with our teachers account and we will see the network folder **users** either inside the file manageror as a shortcut in the desktop. * We browse to each user's folder and put anything we want on **mathimata** subfolder. This is the folder we can store, view and edit files together with the student. - **Share through a browser** **(public_html)**. We store the files on folder **public_html** located on our personal folder. * **From a Lab PC** : Show on **http://lserver/~username**. Students can view them from a browser (chrome, firefox etc) using the above address, where username is their account name. * **From the Internet** : Show on **http://remoteaddress/~username**. Files are published on the Internet from the external remote address of the server e.g. **http://remoteaddress/~username**. - **Massive send/receive files**. Useful when we want to **retreive back** the files we sent **with the changes** the students have made, e.g. on an exam or a project. We can create a new empty folder or send an existing folder with files inside. The folder will be created on users personal files (My Documents, letter X:\) directly or in a subfolder if we want. * Instructions on manual.lserveradmin.gr / User Files / File Access(http://www.lserveradmin.gr/help/html_en/manual/user_administration/usersendrcvfiles.html) =====Sharing files between teachers or school documents in general (Shared)===== * **''S:\'' Shared network folder for teachers and school documents** **\\lserver\shared** (hidden): Χρήστες belonging to **Teachers** group have **read-write** permissions. For all the rest users the network folder is **hidden and with no read-write permissions**. This network folder can be used for teachers to shared files only between them. Files might concern lessons or other school office tasks. * **From Windows** : We login with our teachers account and access is provided either from the letter **S:\** in the file manager or by typing network address **\\lserver\shared** in the file manager. * **From Linux** : We login with our teachers account and we will see the network folder either inside the file manageror as a shortcut in the desktop. =====Send through FTP/SFTP===== * With [[en:files:ftp_sftp|FTP]] we have access to **our personal files** * With [[en:files:ftp_sftp|SFTP]] we have access to **public, shared network folders** * Useful in case we our remotely connected to the Virtual Machine from proxmox through the Internet. If the file is located on our personal PC e.g. at home or even on our cell phone, we can send it [[en:files:ftp_sftp|through FTP or SFTP]] with an FTP/SFTP client like **filezilla** or from our cell phone from and android application like **Cx File Explorer**.