=====Connect from FTP/SFTP===== ==== From PC ==== If the installation file is for example on our personal home PC, we can send it through ftp, with an FTP client software like filezilla. * With **FTP** we have access to our **personal files** * With **SFTP** we have access to **network folders public, shared** We install [[https://filezilla-project.org/|filezilla]] **to our home PC**. We already know the **Internet address** of the server and the **external ports** of the **ftp** and the sftp services and we will use them in the configuration. We do the following - We start **filezilla** and go to menu **File / Site Manager** - We click at the left bottom button **New site**. - As a name with change to something like **school** - On the **Host** field, we enter the remote internet server address - If we connect from the internet we enter **the internet server address e.g. //myinternetaddress.com//** else if we are on local lan we enter **lserver**. - On the **Protocol** field we select **FTP** for access to **our personal files** or **SFTP** for access to **network folders public,shared** - On the right field **Port** we enter the **FTP or SFTP server port**, e.g. //1021//. We can find out which is our port by [[en:quickstart:startlserveradmin|starting LServerAdmin application]] and going to menu //Services/Other Services - Applications/FTP File Server/Configure//. - On **Logon Type** we select **''Normal''** - On **Encryption** we select **''Use explicit FTP over TLS if available''** - On **User** we enter username and on **Password** our password. - Finally we click on **Connect**. Our configuration is saved. Next time to connect, we just go to menu **File / Site Manager** and click on site **school** - After a successfull connection, on left pane **Local site** we will see our local PC files and on right pane **Remote site** the files of our account on server. For cleaner view we go to menu **View** and uncheck **Local directory tree** and **Remote directory tree** ==== From a cellphone ==== We can send and get files even from a cell phone or a tablet with a mobile application like [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer|Cx File Explorer]] * We start **Cx File Explorer**, go to Network tab and click on **''+''** button. * To access our personal files we select **Remote/FTP** * To access network folders public, shared we select **Remote/SFTP** * On the **Host** field, we enter the remote internet server address * If we connect from the internet we enter **the internet server address e.g. //myinternetaddress.com//** else if we are on local lan we enter **lserver**. * On the **Port** we enter the **FTP or SFTP server port accordingly**. * (FTP) : We select **FTPS** * On **User** we enter username and on **Password** our password. * We click on **More** and on **Display Name** we set a descriptive name e.g. //ftp-lab-myfiles// or //sftp-fileserver// accordingly and click on OK to finish setup. * From now on we can access files on server by using our cellphone, wherever we may be using **FTP** for our personal files and **SFTP** for **network folders public, shared**