======= Italc - Remote control student PCs ====== **Italc** is a tool for remote control student PCs. It has features such as * **Teacher desktop** demostration * **Student desktop** demostration * **Remote control** student desktop * **Lock** student desktops **Italc** supports both Linux and Windows Operating Systems. LServerAdmin application installs and configures italc on Client PCs on the following situations. * Client PC with **local installation of Linux or Windows (XP/7/8/10)** * Ltsp Client PC (booting from network) that **connect remotely to Linux or Windows** We will see how to use the already configured Italc application for the client PCs booting from network and connecting to the Windows and Linux (ltsp) virtual machines running on server. ===== Prerequisites ===== * **All the client PCs must already been added to a lan group in LServeradmin management**. For general information (see [[en:lan]]). The following are the brief steps. - [[en:quickstart:startlserveradmin|We start LServerAdmin application]] as administrator. - **We create a new PC group** e.g. //Lab 1// - [[http://www.lserveradmin.gr/help/html_en/manual/lan/langroups.html|PC Groups]] - **We add all lab PCs** that boot from network to the above group - [[en:lan:lanaddpc:lanaddltspclient]] - **We add a user** from teachers groups as a **Italc PC group Administrator** - [[en:italc:teacheruseradmin|Manage Italc PC Groups]] ===== Start Italc ===== We will work on a **teacher's PC with __local OS installation__** Linux or Windows (not booting from network). It is recommended, although not needed for Italc, that this PC is already been added to LServerAdmin management, (see [[en:lan]]). - **We connect to a teacher's PC.** - In a browser **(firefox recommended)**, on the address we type **https://hosta:8006** and connect as user **teacher**. - **We select the virtual machine** with the OS we want to use for our lesson, e.g. Windows or Linux (ltsp) and click on **Console** - **Demostration on Windows OS** - **We connect with a teacher account** that [[en:italc:teacheruseradmin#add_administrator|has already been added]] as an administrator of Italc PC groups (see [[en:connection:connect2windowsvm#via_proxmox_gui|connect to Windows virtual machine from proxmox]]). - We can change resolution from within Windows the way we know. A resolution of **1024x768** __and not greater__ is recommended for compatibility reasons with the client PC screen resolutions and for better performance. - We start Italc from menu **All Programs / Italc** - **Demostration on Linux OS** - **We connect with a teacher account** that [[en:italc:teacheruseradmin#add_administrator|has already been added]] as an administrator of Italc PC groups, to the virtual machine running Linux (ltsp). - We can change resolution from with Linux (from menu we click on **Run** and type **lxrandr**). A resolution of **1024x768** __and not greater__ is recommended for compatibility reasons with the client PC screen resolutions and for better performance. - We start Italc from menu **System Tools / Italc** ==== Italc basic usage ==== - We click on the **2nd icon in the left vertical bar** to open the **Class Administration** pane. - We select the PC group and click on the left **+** to open. There are 3 cases. - If client PCs are inside a group e.g. //Lab 1//, **have booted from network** and connected to **Linux** (ltsp virtual machine) we select **Lab 1-ltsp**. - If client PCs that **boot from network** connect to **Windows** we select **Lab 1-windows** - If client PCs have **local installations** and have already been added to LServerAdmin administration we select **Lab 1** - We **double click on Client PCs** we want to control or **right click on the group** and select **Show all computer in classroom** to show them all. - On the top bar on the right we click on the button **Auto View** (if it is hidden we click on the arrow to show it). - On the top bar we click on **Full screen demo** to show our desktop to the client PCs. We can also lock their screen with the button **Lock All** - To **unlock their screen** we click on button **Overview** - If we want to control a client PC remotely we **right click on the client PC** and select **Remote Control**