====== Education ====== LServerAdmin application has several useful **features customized for training**. In particular : - [[en:education:italc]] * Installation and automatic configuration of **Italc** application. Italc can be used on any lesson and has features like **presenting the screen of the teacher pc** to the students, **monitoring and controling remotely student PCs screens** etc.. It runs on Windows and Linux local installations as well as ltsp clients booting from network. - [[en:education:epoptes]] * Installation and automatic configuration of **Epoptes** application for ltsp clients running **Linux**. Epoptes has similar functionality like Italc, is newer and actively developed. - [[http://www.lserveradmin.gr/help/html_en/manual/user_administration/usersendrcvfiles.html|Mass send and receive files and folders to users]] * We can easily send to students of a class division a file or a folder. If it is intended for example for an **exam or an exercise**, we can mass receive it back from all with the changes made by our students. - [[en:education:joomla]] * Mass installation and configuration of Joomla CMS to multiple students to their personal web hosting space on the server. Usefull for the needs of lessons on **creating html pages and sites**.