===== Connect to Linux Virtual Machine ===== ==== From any client PC booting from network ==== * After booting the client PC from network, **linux login screen is shown by default**. If not we press **''ALT-CTRL-F7''**. From Options on bottom left we can select Session (graphical environment), e.g. Lubuntu or LXDE. * We connect with our personal network acoount. ==== Via proxmox gui ==== Suppose we want to connect to virtual machine running Linux and install software. - First we [[en:quickstart:connect2server|connect to Server PC]] to Proxmox by using a browser **(firefox recommended)** as user root or teacher. We connect either [[en:quickstart:connect2server#locally|locally]], or [[en:quickstart:connect2server#from_another_pc_on_local_network|from another PC on local network]] or [[en:quickstart:connect2server##from_internet|from internet]]. - On the left pane we select **Datacenter** and double click on **hosta**. - To open a **VNC console**, (that is a remote connection to graphical environment through vnc) we have 2 ways - For //unscaled clean view// we select the Linux virtual machine (ltsp) and press **Console** button at the top right or we **right click** on the virtual machine and select **Console**. - For //scaled zoomed full screen// we click on **Console tab** (next to Snapshot tab). - On the **local machine**, we change language to english. We first change the language on the local machine and then press alt-shift if needed to change it on **VNC console** too * We login using our personal network account. After we finish working, we don't forget to logout from Linux virtual machine